To learn how to solve these kinds of problems on your own, you must be comfortable working with decimals.

When written .875 as a fraction the number.875 places the 8 in the tenths place, the 7 in the hundredths, and the 5 in the thousandths. Either ”point eight seven five” or ”eight hundred seventy-five thousandths” would be correct representations of the decimal.875.

Thus, 875/1000 is the equivalent .875 as a fraction. (A fraction of 46/100 represents a decimal such as.46. 7/10, plus a.7, equals 7 points. All of these fractions (tenths, hundredths, thousandths, etc.) are based on the decimal system.

Because it is now a fraction, simplify. Consider what numbers divide evenly by both 875 and 1000, using your preferred divisibility rules. In general, I prefer to divide by several little numbers before attempting the greatest possible (the GCF) number. It’s your call; both options are viable.

875% of 1000 is 175% of 200 which is 35% of 40% which is 78%. so . When written .875 as a fraction is 7/8. Your fraction is as small as it can get, since there are no numbers that divide into 7 and 8 other than 1.

Methods for Changing Whole Numbers into Fractions*

Let’s figure out how to turn decimals into fractions now that we’re familiar with the terminology and can differentiate between a decimal that repeats itself and one that ends, shall we? As an alternative way of putting it, we have already stated that ”the fraction 1/4 is identical to the terminating decimal 0.25,” and ”the fraction 7/9 is equal to the repeating decimal 0.7777…,” among other similar statements. But first, let’s figure out how to go backwards through this difficulty so that we can take a decimal number, such as 0.818181…, and convert it into a fraction that has the same value.

Everyday numbers can be categorised as either rational or irrational. You require an unlimited number of decimal places to precisely express an irrational number. Decimal representations of rational numbers might end after a fixed number of digits or continue to repeat the same pattern indefinitely.

Divide and Conquer*

When solving a fraction by division, the numerator and denominator are subdivided until no further subdivisions are possible. Divide the integers until you can’t find any common factors left to divide. Let’s use division to see if we can discover the biggest common factor of 75 and 180.

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Last-modified: 2022-08-24 (水) 15:58:14 (622d)